NLX Protocol
Genesis (Q4 2023)
Discord, Twitter & Community
Landing Page
Alpha Testnet sign-ups
Testnet Launch (Q1 2024)
Make key hires
Integrate Pyth Push Oracles
Launch Private Testnet for Community
Battle-test Single-Isolated Collateral Pool market behaivor
NLX v1 Audit
Mainnet Launch (Q2 2024)
Launch NLX v1 on Core Mainnet
Deploy first markets
- CORE/USD - 50x - [CORE]
- BTC/USD - 50x - [coreBTC]
NLX listed on Core Ignition Program
Research NLX v1.5 (Liquidity Agggregation)
Deploy Multi-Isolated Collateral Pools
- CORE/USD - 50x - [solvBTC.b, coreBTC, WBTC, solvBTC.m, CORE]
- BTC/USD - 50x - [solvBTC.b, coreBTC, WBTC, solvBTC.m, CORE]
Expand TVL Caps for Liquidity Stakers
Integration with Cluster Omni-chain Name Service
Acceleration (Q3/Q4 2024)
Trading Leaderboard
NLX v1.5 Testnet
Multi-Oracle Feed Implementation
NLX Pro-trading Interface
NLX v1.5 Audit
NLX v1.5 Mainnet
NLX v1.5 Open Beta Launch
Trading Incentives
Explore composable integrations with other protocols
Ideas to Explore:
- AMM Aggregator (Glyph, CoreX, Viridian, IcreamSwap)
- List NX-Pools in Lending Markets to unlock higher capital efficiency (Colend, Avalon)
- Isolated Borrow/Lend Market (Colend, Avalon)
- Telegram Bot integration (Perpie, VersaBot)
- Trader Vaults (Akka Finance)